Sat31Mar20187:30 pmSt Cuthbert's Church
Entry £6 for adults and children free. Price includes refreshments and a quiz sheet. Grand Easter Raffle. Contact churchwardens@shadforthchurch.org.uk for tickets.
Sat12May201811am-3pmSt Cuthbert’s Church
A lovely chance to visit the churchyard - transformed from the white of the snowdrops to a carpet of blue. Tea/Coffee and Cake £2 - and time to meet with friends and acquaintances. All welcome.
Sun17Jun20183:00 pmSt Cuthbert's Church
Please come and join us for a delicious strawberry tea in St. Cuthbert's Church Shadforth. Why not make it a Father's Day treat for all the family? Tickets at £5 per person are available from Joan. Proceeds are for Church Funds
Sat22Sep20187:30 pmSt Cuthbert's Church
St Cuthbert's welcomes back Emma Fisk and James Birkett for an evening of jazz. Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start. Tickets available from Joan (01429 823400) or Olive (0191 3720457) £10 for adults and children under 16 are free or pay at the door. Finger buffet included. BYOB.
For more information on Emma and James' work, please visit: https://www.birkettandfisk.com/
“Dazzling violinist Fisk plays the classic early fiddle jazz of Joe Venuti with guitarist James Birkett.” Guardian Guide, Editor’s Picks
“For lovers of the classic Stephane Grappelli – Django Reinhardt approach, this is right up there amongst the best in the UK.”
Sat20Oct20187:30 pmSt Cuthbert's Church
With Seaham Music Academy Ceilidh Band. Tickets: Adults £10, Chn. Free including a stottie supper available from Joan 01429 823400.
Sun04Nov20183:30 pmSt Cuthbert's Church
Our annual All Souls' Day service will take place at 3.30pm on Sunday 4 November. If you will be at our All Souls Service and would like the names of any of your loved ones read out during the service, please write their name on the list in St Cuthbert's, or email them to office@shadforthchurch.org.uk. During the service, we will first read the names of those of who have died this year. All welcome to this service.