Regular Services
Sung Eucharist
It has been lovely to welcome our congregation back to Sunday morning services in church. We do, of course, still have to strictly observe all the guidelines regarding social distancing and hygiene. You will be required to wear a mask and hand sanitiser will be available as you enter the church. You can read a summary of the guidelines here and there are clear instructions on entering the church about how to observe these protocols to keep everybody safe. In addition, our Bishops have specifically requested that ‘You should follow the guidance on the safe use of places of worship and must not mingle with anyone outside your household or support bubble when attending a place of worship.’ We ask that anyone attending a service leaves church in an orderly fashion at the end. We all very much look forward to the day when we can all meet socially at the end of our worship.
Our regular service is at 9.00am on Sundays – this will usually be a Eucharist or Service of the Word dependent on clergy availability.
Other services are available to join via Zoom from St Giles: 11.00am Sundays, Eucharist; 6.00pm Sundays, Evening Prayer; and 10.00am Wednesdays Holy Communion. If you would like to join in with any of these services please contact the Parish Office at to be added to the mailing list.
A number of people have found the Daily Hope phone line helpful during lockdown. This is a freephone number available to all, 0800 804 8044. In addition, the following link will take you to the Church of England’s website where you can find daily prayers
Rev’d Abbey’s booklets are still available for us to share: ‘Book of Prayers and Reflections’, ‘Little Book of Comfort’ a ‘Book of Prayers for Reflection and Times of Stillness‘.
We want to emphasise that St Cuthbert’s is here for everyone – if you or anyone you know would like to receive the prayer materials, weekly sheet or have a regular pastoral phone call please do let us know, and remember you can contact us by phone at any time.
The Parish Office is open on Tuesday mornings and Fridays, 0191 374 1079. If there is no answer, please leave a message and we will call back as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you have an emergency, please ring Rev’d Abbey on 07377 146110 or email us at
Rev’d Abbey and The Churchwardens
St Giles’ Church, Durham, St Mary’s Church, Sherburn and St Cuthbert’s Church, Shadforth
A very warm welcome to the Church of St Cuthbert, Shadforth, a Church of England (Anglican) church in the Diocese of Durham. We hope that you will find our site helpful in getting to know us, finding out what we do, and learning about our Church.
Through our website you can find lots of information about the life of our church, from our regular services and special events, through to guides on how to book a baptism (christening), wedding or funeral.
St Cuthbert’s is a welcoming place for young and old. We are here to share the love of Christ, and you can find out more about us and our Christian Faith here.
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